Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sometimes I need a straightjacket

The following can send me right into a tailspin:
"my tummy hurts"
"I (or my kid) has been vomiting all night"
I hate it. I fear it.
Now I know nobody "likes" vomit, but I have friends who are cool as a cucumber when dealing with it.

If my kids tell me "my tummy hurts" it turns me into a lunatic and I must ask a barrage of questions to get to the bottom of things.
"have you pooped today"
"are you hungry"
"did you eat too much"
"are you going to vomit"
"do you need a bucket"
"do you want to take shower"
"where exactly does your tummy hurt"

I am not sure why it makes me feel like I am going to poop my pants, or why my heart races, or why I start to sweat, or why I feel the sudden urge to either rock myself or totally go into a fit of rage, but it does.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that everyone around me got the stomach bug days after we brought Madalyn home from the hospital.
Taking care of a newborn while your 20 month old spews vomit all over his bed can really do a number on you especially when your husband and parents and in-laws get that not so good feeling.
Maybe it is because I am a freak who needs very strong meds.
Or a straightjacket.

I also get a little stressed about impending stomach bugs if:
my kids are eating so much you'd think they were starved
my kids aren't eating anything
my kid are more tired than normal
my kids stay up later than normal and aren't tired
Madalyn cries about everything
my kids poop more than one time before school, or after school or at any time.
 Jameson drinks a lot of water

Really I can be sure they will wake up in the middle of the night and fill their bed with what we had for dinner any given night.
The Farmer just shakes his head at me and says "they are fine."
This is where I really lucked out.
When the kids are really sick (which isn't often)The Farmer steps in.
He usually stays home with the kids while I evacuate the scene.
Don't worry though I stay in constant contact via way too many texts
"how are the kids"
"has anyone been sick"
"have they eaten"
"are they dehydrated"
Jer replies
Let me be clear.
 It isn't that I don't know what to do or how to care for the kids because I do.
In fact if this is a middle of the night nightmare I am usually the one to clean up the mess while The Farmer gets whoever is sick in the shower.
Sidenote: when picking out a bed for you child make sure there aren't a million places for all the ick to leak. Our kids have the WORST beds for this.
We get a bed set up on the sofa with a trash can standing by.
If panic does ensue The Farmer sends me to bed where I lay heart pounding tossing and turning.

To ease my stress over impending doom we, ok I but The Farmer humors me, have begun an evening ritual.
I slather essential oils down their spines at bedtime.
ImmuPower is my weapon of choice
Once a week I do a modified Raindrop on them.
For the RD I use
Lavender, Frankincense, Valor, Oregano, Peace and Calming, and Thieves 
Because it can't hurt and it will help at keeping all those pesky germs away.
It makes be feel better
I also clean my house with Thieves Cleaner
It smells delish and can kill black mold so for me it is a win win.

I don't think there is anything that affects me like this.
I hate the feeling that overcomes me and I really wish it didn't happen, but it isn't voluntary.
And here some of you think I have it all together.
I don't.
Not. Even. Close.

Maybe next time we can talk about how:
I can't share a soda, you can't taste my coffee or have a bite of my food
or how I am afraid of slugs.. for real.

Blessed is me...


  1. I LOVE THIS AND I LOVE YOU! I have been wanting to write about "My fear of vomit" forever! I totally relate and do the same things! I LOVE MY OILS! :)

  2. This is me...not even just sorta like me...but exactly like me! My husband sleeps in the living room with the kids when they are sick while I toss and turn, pray, sweat, etc in my bedroom. I hate it...I turn into a freak!!! And it's my biggest you, I can deal with it but it turns me into a crazy obsessed person! You would think that after a few years of raising kids it would get better, but it's only worse! We avoid public play places and we are excessive hand washers. My husband rolls his eyes at me...ugh!
