Friday, August 16, 2013

When the kids are away..

While the kids were gone at church camp I had a big list of things I was going to get done since I had scheduled some days off work.
-deep clean the house
-weed the garden
-prime and paint doors
-clean two rooms in the barn out
-clean my car; which we could live out of for no less than two weeks including food and clothing.
-sleep past 5:30 a.m.

My plan didn't go off entirely as planned other than I slept until after 6.
-We could still live out of my car
-the rooms in the barn are still full of junk
-doors are still unpainted
-garden is over run by weeds
I did get the living room cleaned!!
I cleaned the baseboards, moved the furniture, etc.. I was slightly grossed out by what I found under the sofa. Dog hair, empty box from a toy, toy farm fencing, Hot Wheels, dog hair, red Solo cup, tractor tires, 4 pair of Madalyn's shoes and I think all of her socks, dog hair and.. wait for it a tortilla! Jameson likes to eat cold tortilla's and I guess when he was finished he decided that under the sofa was a better place than in the garbage!

Anyone else have an accumulation under the sofa? No? OK.. moving on..

I watched some daytime T.V. which is a total waste of time. Did you know that Barkers Beauties on the Price Is Right now includes DUDES? It just isn't right.
I have also concluded that Hoda and Kathie Lee on the Today show need to slow down on the drinking. I know it's 5:00 somewhere, but having shots lined up on the desk seems like a little much.

While my plan to get lots done didn't go as planned I did get to spend 2 glorious days with The Farmer. Just us. No agenda.
I watched the sun come up; in silence. I don't think I'll ever get tired of how beautiful it is coming over the mountains. I often wonder what it looks like on the other side of heaven.

Jer took me to breakfast, we cruised through the fields, fed the cows peas and rolled down the dyke. The Farmer of course noticed all the nutria trails coming up from the river and down to the fields. I'm sure that soon there will be a trip down the dyke that entails a gun. The Farmer doesn't want those varmints doing any damage to the fields.

We also enjoyed dinner with friends and a date to our favorite restaurant in town T Paul's Supper Club. It is the yummiest food and you will always leave with a full full tummy.
It was nice to spend some time just the two of us without the constant "mom" "mom" "mom." I almost forgot what it was like to chat with no interruption's. It was a very much needed two days.
I was ready for the kids to come home by the time Wednesday came, but I am already looking forward to when I get to spend time with my guy. Just us.

Blessed is me...

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