It has been 5 days since I have eaten gluten.
Well, except when I was making Mac n' Cheese for the kids.
The noodle timer beeped my natural instinct was to pop one in my mouth to be sure they were ready.
I chewed it up, realized what I did and spit it out!
I chewed it up, realized what I did and spit it out!
If you are wondering why I have quit gluten you can catch up here.
Now, I must confess.
My Mother In Love has been preaching that no one should eat gluten and I thought it was just a bunch of malarkey.
She has talked about it WAY before it was cool to be GF.
I am sold.
I feel so good.
I have had none of the daily upset stomach that had become the norm.
I have virtually zero pain other than when I wake up in the morning.
I can't sleep in our bed comfortably yet, but that will come.
I am not exhausted by the end of the day.
I don't have the bloated feeling in my stomach and I have lost 3 pounds.
I also feel energized!
This last weekend I worked in the yard, planted flowers, cleared our yard of all the sticks that blow from the woods during storms, cleaned the chicken coop, pitched straw, cleaned house, placed pavers in one flower bed and much more.
These are all normal weekend chores, but all of this in two days would have had me totally exhausted and barely functioning.
Yesterday I went to Mikes Bike Shop in Cannon Beach and bought myself a new to me bike.
It is a cute little shop packed full with a ton of bikes, helmets and gadgets.
Jameson asked "are you sure you even know how to ride a bike?"
He and I enjoyed a trail ride from Netul Landing to Fort Clatsop while Madalyn was at a friends house.
It was fun and Jameson grinned ear to ear the whole time.
It's moments like that I don't want to miss because I don't feel good enough to participate or for fear that it will knock me down a couple days.
I can't wait to go again with sister.
Tonight after dinner Jameson asked if we could go on a family bike ride.
We saddled up and headed to check on the cows and goats at Papa Moo's because he is out making tractor deliveries.
I would guess it's about 1/2 mile one way.
There we got to see a fresh calf and we are double excited for tomorrow because Dottie West the lone Jersey Cow appears to be in labor!
We pedaled our way home and I dropped the family at the driveway so I could continue on for another mile or so before heading back home.
I tried to pedal the entire time even if it meant I had to pedal slow.
I pulled in just in time to meet The Farmer headed back out the driveway because Papa's cows were in the road!
I pulled in just in time to meet The Farmer headed back out the driveway because Papa's cows were in the road!
I sit here thankful for all the encouraging words, texts to see if I am ok, offers to take our kids, suggestions, love and prayers.
There is zero doubt that the Linders are truly a blessed bunch.
Now, if I could just figure out a way to make water taste as good as coffee!
Blessed is me..