A few weeks back I was at Costco. I was headed back to get dog food and I passed by a vendor handing out Jet Dry samples.
Costco Dude : "would you like a sample of our Jet Dry dish washer tabs"
Me: "No thanks I don't have a dishwasher"
Lady: "GASP! (to her friend) did you hear that? she said she doesn't have a dishwasher! can you believe she doesn't have a dishwasher?"
That is right folks I don't have a dishwasher. Jer and I wash our dishes by hand (I'm pretty sure Jer does most of them). I wonder if we would hear that same kind of gasp by these statistics:
~That about 500 million people in the world are chronically hungry. Most of
them are children. More than 30,000 of them die each day of
hunger-related causes. (sustainer.org)
~that there are 145 MILLION orphans worldwide. (UNICEF)
~In 2009 332,278 abortions were performed by Planned Parenthood alone. That is one every 95 seconds! (cbsnews.com
~There are 2 million repeat drunk drivers on the road at any given time. (madd.org)
~In 2011 there were 234 homeless students in Clatsop County (cffo.org)
~In 2010 there were 1.8 million AIDS related deaths. (unaids.org)
My focus gets so consumed by all that I don't have, all that I think that I need, and my wants. What my focus should be on what I can do to help a child go to bed in a warm home or with a full tummy. I should be reaching out to mothers who think their only way out of unwanted pregnancy is to terminate a beating heart. In fact it is my duty as a follower of Jesus to do all of that and yet instead I worry about all the "stuff" I don't have.
Imagine if we all lent a helping hand and never thought about what kind of repayment we would get or if we would be honored for our giving. What if we gave so selflessly so that another never had to go without?
Do not seek your own advantage, but that of the other. 1 Corinthians 10:24
Blessed is me <3
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